Case Study

Signol's pilot-first behavioural science solution saved Virgin Atlantic 39.5k of CO2 emissions in 18 months

Virgin Atlantic has been at the forefront of reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions for over 15 years - launching various fuel-efficiency initiatives and software. In 2021, the airline went one step further and began working with Signol.
By Signol
August 1, 2024

Virgin Atlantic has been at the forefront of reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions for over 15 years – launching various fuel-efficiency initiatives and software.

In 2021, the airline went one step further and began working with Signol, a behavioural change service that engages pilots to implement fuel-saving behaviours more often and more effectively. Building on an earlier academic study, Signol is now a fully digitalised web application and communication service.

In the last 18 months, Signol and Virgin Atlantic have saved 39,433.64 mt of CO2, equivalent to 0.7% fuel burn. This case study outlines how Signol employed various behaviour change techniques to achieve these results and what we’ve learnt from this partnership.

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